DCoutts Blog

Blog of a digital geologist. Everything from core data to satellite data.

Building digital capacity in geoscience education

How do we better prepare geoscience students for modern geology?

Modern geoscience is rapdily evolving, but some of our main tools are still analog. After some discussion with friends in the post-secondary education space I've jotted some notes down on a pathway forward for digital geoscience education.

Leaky data in geoscience prediction

Plugging data leaks and gaining and appreciation for exploratory data analysis

I got my butt kicked by leaky data in my first real machine learning project. By fixing it I learned to think more critically at how machine learning models are structured.

Let's do the time warp again!

Mapping time series oil and gas production data using unsupervised classification

Time series/production data are very difficult to visualize. This project attempts to change that by using dynamic time warping to classify an entire pool's worth of production data into multiple type curves.

R libraries for geoscience

Trolling through CRAN finding all the geoscience related libraries

There is a great deal of fantastic geoscience-related code on CRAN that is a few keystrokes away. I did the hard part, look through 6000+ packages on CRAN. Now can do the fun part, use this code to do better geoscience!

Tackling data diversity issues with reactive UIs

Diving into the user interface of stRat stat

Creating apps that allow the diversity of user input is difficult. In this post I go into how I made stRat stat flexible to work with the extreme diversity of graphic log/core log data.